Kimberly Anne Bell | Author

3 Quotes On Parenting to Inspire You

3 Inspirational Quotes on Parenting

The spiritual bond between parent and child is beyond words. As a parent, How can you strengthen this bond and be a source of inspiration and a fountain of love that nurtures your children from a young age? Here are some quotes on parenting to inspire you.


"The best inheritance a parent can give his/her children is a few minutes of time each day."

~ O. A. Battista

No money or material thing can replace the time that a parent can give to a child. Time is more valuable, cherished, and memorable than any other thing. As a parent, listening and giving your child complete attention to, dance, sing, or just be silly, can be so rewarding!



"A good father is a source of inspiration and self-restraint. A good mother is the root of kindness & humbleness."

~ Dr. T. P. Chia

I believe that this quote really sums up the value of parenting from the perspective of a child. Every child needs a father to be the source of inspiration and restraint, as well as a mother to be the root of kindness and humbleness. These are the ingredients that the child needs to grow and thrive.


"We never know the love of a parent till we become parents ourselves."

~ Henry W. Beecher

I was 15 years old when I had my first child. I may not have known much about parenting, sex, my body, or how my life was going to change instantly for us both. When Dr. Eiseman laid my daughter in my arms, my love for her became as real as the sun and the moon! As a parent, this gift God gave me was a part of me to love, protect, provide for, raise and nurture into the woman GOD created her to be!

I was determined she was going to always feel and never question the love from me as her mother. Becoming a parent showed me this love that I was not only responsible for but accountable to give! The Love of a parent is exemplified by our daily actions with our children as soon as we become parents. We must be honest with ourselves to examine our love for what it shows in our children’s lives. Does the love show selfishness, and neglect, or does it show acceptance, belonging, and peaceful blessings? Make sure the love you invest in and plant as a parent produces all that is righteous.

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Kimberly Anne Bell

Speaker, Minister & Author 

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Hi, I’m Kimmy.  I’m a self-sufficient optimist who aspires to live a life that would leave a legacy in the hearts of many people.

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