Kimberly Anne Bell | Author

How I Overcame Childhood Trauma

A Little Less Fear

A Little Less Fear podcast is a show about being open about life and staying motivated. It was a pleasure to be invited to another show to share my story. In this episode, I openly share my story of how I overcame PTSD and childhood trauma. As well as how I was able to break the unhealthy cycles in my life.

Breaking Barriers

The host started by asking how my journey began.

I shared the story of releasing my memoir.  I had to break generational curses which started with that fear. Fear of what people would say, and fear of what people would do. I was raised in a generational era where, as a child, you didn’t speak about your emotions. I was raised in a generational era where what goes on in the home, stays in the home. A lot of those things put fear upon me and put me in a bondage where I was not able to speak and tell, and get the protection that I needed. It was very challenging.

The host asked how did I break some of those barriers.

Gradually I did. My first experience with molestation had me so confused in future marriages. I never told my adopted-dad about it. I didn’t even tell my mental health therapist about it. I just didn’t want her to know or give an input to what I am going to write or express in my book. I remember one of the sessions and I broke down and asked her if I was crazy and she said “no you are human”.

I will be 49 in August and it has just been such a blessing of life to see that I have 4 adult children and I have 1 minor and I am in my season of really expecting the right sense of fulfillment in life. My 4 adult children are my biggest supporters. I remember having a heart-to-heart talk with my son and I told him  “Yes I’m your mother but I want you to understand and never forget to see me as a woman”. 

Accepting & Overcoming Childhood Trauma

The host also asked, “When did you discover meditation & how has it helped you?”

I think I always did, but now I found a sense of empowerment in doing it. It started turning around with my last relationship that wasn’t healthy and I decided that It starts with me to choose to break this unhealthy cycle. If I don’t change or choose me, then I am going to continue to attract and go into these cycles. During the meditation, I had to accept those foundations of childhood trauma that I experienced. My first sexual experience was at 12 and my first experience with abandonment was at only 5 years old.

“So I had to first accept those broken foundations and try to build a different foundation for me to live the life that I want to live.” ~ K.I.M

The picture on my memoir was my first picture at about 6yrs old. Every time I look at that memoir, I love that picture because even with a smile that child was going through so much…

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Kimberly Anne Bell

Speaker, Minister & Author 

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Hi, I’m Kimmy.  I’m a self-sufficient optimist who aspires to live a life that would leave a legacy in the hearts of many people.

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